Growing through life's demands.
Growing through life's demands.

Pregnant Women & New Moms

If you are pregnant or a mom with a new baby (biological or adopted), you may be struggling with some of the following emotional difficulties:


  • Feelings of sadness or uncontrollable crying
  • Sleep problems -  inability to sleep or sleeping too much
  • Often feeling irritable, angry, worried, or agitated
  • Constant need to organize, clean, put things in order  
  • Lack of energy and motivation
  • Inability to get pleasure from previously enjoyed activities
  • Lack of interest in the baby, friends, and family
  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, despair, or hopelessness
  • Inability to concentrate of make decissions
  • Thoughts of harming the baby or yourself


These symptoms can affect your well-being, your relationship with your baby, and your relationship with others (partner/spouse; other children).


If you have been struggling for more than 2 weeks at any point during the 1st year of having the baby, you might be having a condition known as postpartum depression (PPD).  PPD is NOT uncommon; one out of 8-10 women who recently had a baby has PPD.


As a therapist who has helped many types of mothers (single vs. married; younger vs. older; biological vs. adopted parent), I have much professional expertise to help me understand the specific situations that may be affecting your struggles.


I do a lot of body-focused & mindfulness interventions (click here for description) that can benefit mothers like you who are struggling with emotional and biological challenges...regardless if you have PPD or not.  Our work will help you to:


  • reduce your sleep difficulties
  • develop more effective time management styles
  • develop new, but easily learned coping skills
  • feel more balanced & in control of your emotions and your life
  • manage your constant worries, depression/sadness, irritability/anger
  • feel more connected to your self, spouse/partner, and child

Julia Han, Ph.D.



2 Office Locations:


  • 1629 K Street NW, Suite 701
    Washington, DC 20006


  • Home Office near downtown Silver Spring, MD


(202) 213-1876 


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