Growing through life's demands.
Growing through life's demands.

Parent Consultation

I provide Executive Functioning role or Executive Facilitator role to parents who are worried, feeling lost or confused, and/or overwhelemed in trying to figure out the best way to help their child.


If you are a parent:


  1. whose child is having difficulties at school, home, and/or with peers...
    • I can help you clarify whether these challenges are more academic, socio-emotional, biological, sensory processing (neurological).
  2. who is confused -- maybe even paralyzed -- with the recommendations given by school staff or other child specialists...
    • I can read reports, integrate various recommendations so that it makes sense to you and suggest how to put it into action.
  3. who is having difficulty figuring out how to prioritize the multiple needs of, and various recommendations for your child...
    • I can facilitate in your decission-making process in how to prirotize different recommendations and treatment options.
  4. who is confused in figuring out which specialty child provider is most appropriate in meeting your child's needs...
    • I will not only guide you to what various types of specialty will provide, but also give you input on which ones makes the most sense given your parenting and family lifestyles and financial consideration.
  5. who feel overwhelemd in how to navigate the multiple system of care and/or how to advocate for their child's needs...
  • with over 20 years of professional knowledge in the system of care in DC & Maryland, I will help you navigate the system, recommend which ones are known to be good in the area, and coach you in how to advocate for your child. 

Julia Han, Ph.D.



2 Office Locations:


  • 1629 K Street NW, Suite 701
    Washington, DC 20006


  • Home Office near downtown Silver Spring, MD


(202) 213-1876 


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